


琉球大学大学院 医学研究科 形成外科学講座 教授/琉球大学病院 幹細胞プロジェクト みらいバンク長/病院長補佐

清水 雄介



1990年7月 Peru High School卒業 (アメリカ合衆国)
1992年3月 慶應義塾高等学校卒業
1992年4月 慶應義塾大学医学部入学
1998年3月 慶應義塾大学医学部卒業
2006年4月 慶應義塾大学大学院医学研究科博士課程(外科系形成外科学)入学
2010年10月 慶應義塾大学大学院医学研究科博士課程 所定単位取得退学

1998年5月 慶應義塾大学医学部 研修医(形成外科学教室)
2000年1月 栃木県立がんセンター 頭頸科 レジデント
2001年5月 平塚市民病院 外科 専修医
2002年5月 立川病院 外科 専修医
2003年5月 静岡赤十字病院 耳鼻咽喉科 嘱託医師
2004年5月 済生会宇都宮病院 形成外科 医師
2004年10月 済生会中央病院 形成外科 医師
2005年6月 慶應義塾大学医学部助手(形成外科学)
2006年6月 国立成育医療センター 形成外科 医師
2007年6月 静岡赤十字病院 形成外科 副部長
2010年5月 慶應義塾大学助教(医学部形成外科学)
2012年4月 慶應義塾大学講師(医学部形成外科学)
2014年8月 慶應義塾大学准教授(医学部形成外科学)
2015年2月 琉球大学医学部附属病院 形成外科 特命教授
2018年4月 琉球大学大学院医学研究科 形成外科学講座 教授
2019年4月 琉球大学病院 病院長補佐(イノベーション・広告担当)
2020年9月 琉球大学病院 みらいバンク長 現職

博士(医学)(慶應義塾大学)       (第61120393号)
日本形成外科学会専門医          (登録番号05-1709)
日本形成外科学会領域指導医        (登録番号S-20-330)
日本再建・マイクロサージャリー分野指導医  (登録番号18-4204)
日本小児形成外科分野指導医        (登録番号17-3198)
日本美容外科学会専門医(JSAPS)      (登録番号13-0116)

日本形成外科手術手技学会 理事
沖縄形成外科研究会 理事
九州沖縄形成外科学会 世話人
九州頭頸部がんフォーラム 世話人
日本形成外科学会 評議員
日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 代議員
日本美容外科学会 評議員
日本創傷外科学会 評議員
日本オンコプラスティックサージャリ―学会 評議員
眼瞼ガイドライン 統括責任者
ロート製薬株式会社 顧問
琉球大学1号ベンチャー株式会社Grancell 学術顧問(筆頭株主)

Editorial boar
Austin Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders        2014年10月8日~
JSM Anatomy & Physiology             2016年2月9日~
JSM Oro Facial Surgeries             2016年3月4日~
Mathews Journal of Surgery               2016年3月9日~
Advances in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery   2016年10月3日~
Journal of Wound Care               2020年12月1日~

第7回 細胞凝集研究会 会長 (2019年11月22日)

2013年 日本形成外科学会 学術奨励賞(共同受賞)
第55回 日本形成外科学会総会・学術集会 ベストポスター賞(共同受賞)

1. Kasi Shogo, Shimizu Y, Ohara H, Kiuchi T, Ihara J, Kishi K
Use of an orbital septum flap for correcting severe blepharoptosi
Aesthe Plast Surg. 2021 in press

2. Ntege E, Sunami H, Denda J, Futenma N, Shimizu Y
Effects of Hydroxyapatite-Coated Nonwoven Polyethylene /Polypropylene Fabric on Non-mesodermal Lineage-Specific Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells.
BMC Res Notes. 2020;13(1):471.

3. Sunami H, Shimizu Y, Denda J, Yokota I, Kishimoto H, Igarashi Y
A 3D microfabricated scaffold system for unidirectional cell migration.
Adv Biosyst. 2020:e20000113.

4. Shimizu Y, Kishi K
Reconstruction of large perineal defects after advanced malignant tumour resection: a simple gluteal thigh flap modification.
J Plast Surg Hand Surg.2020;14:1-4.

5. Ntege E, Sunami H, Shimizu Y
Advances in regenerative therapy: A review of the literature and future directions.
Regen Ther. 2020;14:136-153.

6. Sakuma H, Tanaka I, Yazawa M, Shimizu Y
Multivector functioning muscle transfer using superficial subslips of the serratus anterior muscle for longstanding facial paralysis.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2019:72(6):964-972.

7. Suzuki Y, Shimizu Y, Kasai S, Yamazaki S, Takemaru M, Kitamura T, Kawakami S,
Tamura T
Indocyanine green fluorescence videoangiography for reliable variations of supraclavicular artery flaps.
Arch Plast Surg. 2019;46(4):318-323.

8. Suzuki Y, Sakuma H, Ihara J, Shimizu Y
Proximal ligation after the side-to-end anastomosis recovery technique for lymphaticovenous anastomosis.
Arch Plast Surg. 2019;4(4):344-349.

9. Sunami H, Shimizu Y, Denda J, Yokota I, Yoshizawa T, Uechi Y, Nakasone H, Igarashi Y, Kishimoto H, Matsushita M
Modulation of surface stiffness and cell patterning on polymer films using micropatterns.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B – Applied Biomaterials. 2018 106(3):976-985.

10. Arakaki Y, Shimoji Y, Yamazaki S, Shimizu Y, Aoki Y.
Microsurgical lymphaticovenular anastomosis for refractory chylous ascites following para-aortic lymph nodes dissection in a patient with tubal cancer.
Gynecologic Oncology Reports. 2018;26:53-55.

11. Ishii N, Ando J, Shimizu Y, Kishi K
A novel technique for large and ptotic breast reconstruction using a latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap set at the posterior aspect, combined with a silicone implant, following tissue expander surgery.
Arch Plast Surg. 2018;45(5):484-489.

12. Kiuchi T, Shimizu Y, Yamazaki S, Awazawa T, Kishi K.
Utility of Topical Epinephrine for Determining the Resection Range of Eyelid Sebaceous Carcinoma with Dermatitis. Arch Plast Surg. 2018;45(3):289-290.

13. Ishii N, Shimizu Y, Ando J, Harao M, Takemae M, Kishi K
Complete coverage of a tissue expander by a musculofascial pocket including the sternalis muscle during breast reconstruction.
Arch Plast Surg. 2018;45(1):89-90.

14. Ishii N, Shimizu Y, Oji T, Kishi K
Mofified Duformental flap with superior pedicle: a useful technique for sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus.
J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2017:51(6):453-457.

15. Kasai S, Nagasao T, Sakamoto Y, Shimizu Y, Imanishi N, Kishi K
An anatomical study on the availability of contralateral recipient vessels in hemi-mandibular reconstruction with vascularized free fibula transfer.
J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2017:51(5):358-361.

16. Kim B, Inoue Y, Imanishi N, Chang H, Shimizu Y, Okumoto T, Kishi K
Anatomical study of perfusion of a periosteal flap with a lateral pedicle.
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2017;19:5(9):e1476

17. Ishii N, Shimizu Y, Ihara J, Kishi K
Analysis of fibular single graft and fibular double-barrel graft for mandibular reconstruction.
Plastic Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2016;4(8):e1018.

18. Ishii N, Shimizu Y, Marie A, Suzuki A, Kishi K
Analysis of the survival of arterialized venous toenail flap with reference to changes in blood circulation during the postoperative period in 2 patients.
Plastic Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2016;4(8):e1078.

19. Nagasao T, Kasai S, Shimizu Y, Sakamoto Y, Hatanao A, Morotomi T,
Ogata H, Kishi K
A biomechanical study of relationship between sternum defect and thoracic respiration.
Comput Assis Surg. 2016; 1:1-8.

20. Kiuchi T, Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Ohnishi F, Minabe T, Kishi K
Composite grafting for distal digital amputation with respect to injury type and amputation level.
J Plastic Surg Hand Surg. 2015;49:224-8.

21. Kasai S, Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Ohnishi F, Minabe T, Momosawa A, Kishi K
An anatomic study of nipple position and areola size in Asian men.
Aesthe Surg J. 2015;35:NP20-7.

22. Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Shido H, Fujii T, Kato T, Aoki M, Takada K, Kishi K
Intra-eyebrow frontalis suspension using inverted Y-shaped short autogenous fascia lata for blepharoptosis with poor levator function.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2015;68:49-55.

23. Hamada M, Shimizu Y, Aramaki-Hattori-N, Kato T, Takada K, Aoki M, Kishi K, Nagasao T
Management of chronic expanding haematoma using triamcinolone after latissimus dorsi flap harvesting.
Arch Plast Surg. 2015;42:218-22.

24. Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Okabe K, Kishi K
Reconstruction of partial helical defects
Dermatol Surg. 2015;41:1419-23.

25. Iwahira Y, Nagasao T, Shimizu Y, Kuwata K, Tanaka Y
Nummular eczema of breast: A potential dermatologic complication after mastectomy and subsequent breast reconstruction.
Plastic Surg Int. 2015:209458.

26. Takada K, Sakamoto Y, Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Kishi K
A Hypothesis for the pathologic mechanism of idiopathic exophthalmos based on computed tomographic evaluations.
J Craniofac Surg. 2015:26:1639-42.

27. Shimizu Y, Suzuki S, Nagasao T, Ogata H, Yazawa M, Suzuki N, Kishi K
Surgical treatment for medically refractory myasthenic blepharoptosis.
Clin Ophthal. 2014;8:1859-67.

28. Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Sakamoto Y, Kishi K
Inferolateral marginal orbitectomy: A simple adjuvant technique for orbital decompression.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014;43(10):1211-5.

29. Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Kishi K, Asou T
Alternative continuous quilting suture technique for preventing hematoma in axillary osmidrosis.
Dermatol Surg. 2014;40:1058-60.

30. Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Fukuta K, Nakanishi Y
An adjuvant technique using a drape and button in eyelid surgery.
Aesthe Surg J. 2014;34:NP70-1.

31. Nagasao T, Shimizu Y, Morotomi T, Takano N, Jiang H, Kishi K
Irregular location of major pectralis muscle can be a causative factor of pectus excavutum.
Med Hypotheses. 2014;82:512-7.

32. Shimizu Y, Suzuki S, Utsugisawa K, Imai T, Murai H, Ngane Y, Tsuda E, Nagasao T, Ogata H, Yazawa M, Suzuki N, Kishi K
Is surgical intervention safe and effective in the treatment of myasthenic blepharoptosis? A multicenter survey in Japan
Eur Neurol. 2014;71:259-61.

33. Sakamoto Y, Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Kishi K
Combined use of resorbable poly-l-lactic acid-polyglycolic acid implant and bone cement for treating large orbital floor fractures.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2014;67:e88-90.

34. Nagasao T, Kurihara K, Shimizu Y, Toriumi M, Jiang H, Yu D, Kishi K
Combined usage of hydroxyapatite and cross-finger flap for finger Tip reconstruction.
J Plastic Surg Hand Surg. 2014;48:205-8.

35. Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Taneda H, Sakamoto Y, AsouT, Kishi K
Combined usage of intercostal nerve block and tumescent anesthesia- an effective anesthetic technique for breast augmentation.
J Plastic Surg Hand Surg. 2014;48:51-55.

36. Toriumi M, Nagasao T, Itamiya T, Shimizu Y, Yasudo H, Sakamoto Y, Ogata H, Kishi K
3-D analysis of dislocation in zygoma fractures.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2014;42:397-402.

37. Hatano A, Nagasao T, Cho Y, Shimizu Y, Takano N, Kaneko T, Kishi K
Relationship between locations of rib defects and loss of respiratory function – A biomechanical study.
Thoracic and Cardiovasc Surg 2014;62:357-62.

38. Nagasao T, Miyamoto J, Shimizu Y, Kasai S, Kishi K, Kaneko T
Effective scoring of scapha prevents helix irregularity in prominent ear correction―A biomechanical study.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2014;42:711-7.

39. Nagasao T, Aramaki-Hattori N, Shimizu Y, Yoshitatsu S, Takano N, Kishi K
Transformation of keloids determined by stress occurrence patterns on peri-keloid regions in response to body movement.
Med Hypotheses 2013;81:136-41.

40. Hatano A, Nagasao T, Shimizu Y, Jin H, Kaneko T, Cho Y, Jiang H, Kishi K
A biomechanical study regarding the effect of tissue harvesting from thorax on its movement during inspiration.
Comput Aided Surg 2013;18:118-28.

41. Shimizu Y, Imanishi N, Nakajima T, Nakajima H, Aiso S, Kishi K
Venous architecture of the glabellar to the forehead region.
Clin Anat. 2013;26:183-95. (学位取得論文)

42. Nakanishi Y, Nagasao T, Shimizu Y, Fukuta K, Kishi K
The inverted batman incision – A new incision in transcolumellar incision for open rhinoplasty.
J Plastic Surg Hand Surg. 2013;47:472-5.

43. Nagasao T, Itamiya T, Miyamoto J, Shimizu Y, Ogata H, Jiang H, Ding W, Kaneko T
Not only “nurture”, but also “nature” influences outcome of zygoma repair.
J Plastic Surg Hand Surg 2013;47:484-8. (日本形成外科学会 学術奨励賞)

44. Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Kishi K
A convenient retainer for artificial eye sockets.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012;65:1598-9.

45. Nakanishi Y, Nagasao T, Shimizu Y, Miyamoto J, Kishi K, Fukuta K
The boomerang osteotomy – a new method of reduction malar plasty.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012;65:e111-20.

46. Nagasao T, Shimizu Y, Kasai S, Hatano A, Ding W, Jiang H, Kishi K, Imanishi N
Extension of the jejunum in the reconstruction of cervical esophagus with free jejunum transfer using the thoracoacrominal vessels as recipients.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012;65:156-62.

47. Kishi K, Imanishi N, Shimizu Y, Shimizu R, Okabe K, Nakajima H
Alternative 1-step nasal reconstruction technique.
Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2012;14:116-21.

48. Nagasao T, Nakanishi Y, Shimizu Y, Hatano A, Miyamoto J, Fukuta K, Kishi K
An anatomical study on the position of the summit of the zygoma: theoretical bases for reduction malarplasty.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;128:1127-38.

49. Nagasao T, Shimizu Y, Ding W, Jiang H, Kishi K, Imanishi N
Morphological analysis of the upper eyelid tarsus in Asians.
Ann Plast Surg. 2011;66:196-201.

50. Nagasao T, Noguchi M, Miyamoto J, Jinag H, Ding WJ, Shimizu Y, Kishi K
Dynamic effect of the Nuss procedure on the spine in asymmetric pectus excavatum.
J Thorac Cardiovas Surg. 2010;140:1294-1299.

51. Nagasao T, Miyamoto J, Shimizu Y, Jiang H, Nakajima T
What happens between pure hydraulic and buckling mechanisms of blowout fracture?
J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2010;38:306-13.

52. Shimizu Y, Nagasao T, Asou T
A new non-incisional correction method for blepharoptosis.
J Plast Reconstru Aesthet Surg. 2010;63:2004-12.

53. Ohara H, Nakajima T, Ogata H, Ishii N, Shimizu Y
Alar groove plasty using a subcutaneous flap technique in bulbous nose repair after cleft lip plasty.
J Plast Reconstru Aesthet Surg.2009;62:884-8.

54. Nagasao T, Ishii N, Shimizu Y, Nakajima T
A tie-over with “untied” parallel stitches: a useful technique for fixation of a bolster after
treatment of cryptotia.
Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 2007;41:88-92.

55. Kishi K, Kubota Y, Katsube K, Satoh H, Shimizu Y, Imanishi N, Nakajima H, Nakajima T.
Skin reconstruction in SCID mice.
Japanes J Plast Reconst Surg. 2005;48:979-984.

56. Imanishi Y, Isobe K, Nameki H, Tomifuji M, Kato T, Maeda H, Nameki I, Shimizu Y, Shigetomi S.Extended sigmoid-shaped free jejunal patch for reconstruction of the oral base and pharynx after total glossectomy with laryngectomy.
Br J Plastic Surg. 2004;57:195-202.

57. Shiomi T, Kameyama K, Kawano Y, Shimizu Y, Takabayashi T, Okada Y
Neuromuscular and vascular hamartoma of the cecum.
Virchows Archiv. 2002;440:338-40

1. Ryogo K, Shimizu Y, Reina K. Shun Y
Posterior external jugular vein: a useful alternative recipient vessel in head and neck free flap reconstructions.
Europ J Plast Surg. 2020;43:661-664.

2. Maruyama N, Shimizu Y, Nakaema M, Nishihara K, Nakasone T, Matumoto H, Kusada T, Nimura F, Matayoshi A, Maruyama T, Yoshimi N, Arasaki A
Early computed tomography for detection of internal jugular vein thrombosis after neck dissection and/or reconstruction surgery for head and neck cancer patients.
Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12:6258-6266.

3. Nishimon M, Shimizu Y, Ueno M, Iwanami A
Late-onset congenital lateral dermal sinus tract.
BMJ Case Rep. 2014;bcr2014206530.

4. Shimizu Y, Suzuki S, Mori-Yoshimura M, Nagasao T, Toriumi M, Oji, Murata M,
Kishi K
Surgical treatment of severe blepharoptosis and facial palsy caused by oculopharyngodistal myopathy.
J Plastic Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2013;66:e277-80.

5. Hatano A, Nagasao T, Sotome K, Shimizu Y, Kishi K
A case of congenital unilateral amastia.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012;65:671-4.

1. Shimizu Y
Veins of the face and neck
Anatomy for plastic surgery of the face, head and neck.
Tubbs RS. Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. New York, 2016;63-71.

2. Shimizu Y
Surgical treatment of blepharoptosis in myasthenic patients
Section 3. Surgery. Novel Challenges in Myasthenia Gravis.
Mineo TC. Nova Science Publishers. New York, 2015;499-514.

3. Shimizu Y, Suh IS
Surgical anatomy of lower leg
Calf Surgery and Leg Contouring.
Suh IS. Koonja Publishing Company. Seoul, 2011:5-16.